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Our panel 

quick plâck PANELS



quîckplâck BASIC

Our quîckplâck panels are sandwich panels consisting of a high-density expanded polystyrene core, a fibre reinforced outer surface that gives it great strength and finishes with special high-performance mortars.

paneles quickplack animación




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quîckplâck RF
quîckplâck decor
quîckplâck indoor
vandal-proof quîck plâck
quîckplâck black
quîckplâck côver
quîckplâck design
quîckplâck wood
quîckplâck fibrocemento
quîckplâck stop
portada quickplack dossier

Discover all the applications of our panel, its characteristics, advantages and applications in the world of construction.  

DOSSIER quîckplâck

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panel sándwich quickplack

Rango de medidas standard

X=  200mm · 250mm · 333mm · 400mm · 500mm · 600mm · 1000mm · 1200mm   

Multiple options

quîckplâck is available in different thicknesses and sizes, making it possible to meet the requirements of any project.

panel sándwich quickplack

Our quick plâck panels are a sandwich that is made up of a high-density expanded polystyrene core, an external fiber surface reinforcement that gives it great resistance and finishes with special high-performance mortars.

Quick plâck panels are not a conventional construction material, they have many qualities that make them an exceptional product. They offer great resistance to climate changes, effective thermal insulation, anti-seismic and great functionality as the basis of any covering, both vertical (walls, divisions, enclosures in general) and horizontal (floors, ceilings, etc.).


It is a material that is easy to handle and install, it is supplied in different types of weights, which makes it a multipurpose product, as it can be adapted to any need and/or project. Whether in new construction, rehabilitation, or as a base support of any type, technical or insulating floor, supplementation of old surfaces, furniture design, etc.

quîck plâck allows the necessary customization in each case.


Sandwich panel, with a core of quîckfôam (high-density expanded polystyrene) covered by a double layer of quîckmôrtar (high-performance mortar) with a quîckfîber (interwoven fibreglass mesh) lattice.

panel sándwich quickplack información


Y=  2000mm · 3000mm · 3500mm · 4000mm

Z=  30mm · 40mm · 50mm · 60mm · 75mm · 100mm · 120mm · 150mm · 200mm · 250mm · 300mm

  • Easy to cut.

  • Lightweight and easy to transport.

  • Certified waterproofing (quîckplâck imper. version).

  • Certified watertightness (quîckplâck stop version)

  • Decorative finish

  • (quîckplâck imperdeco version)

      (versión quîckplâck imperdeco)

  • Vapor barrier.

  • Thermal isolation.

  • Easy installation on any support.

  • Flat, stable and rigid.

  • Nice touch.


Fire resistance

quîckplâck, made of quîckfôam (EPS, pre-expanded polystyrene beads), quîckfîber (fibreglass mesh) and quîckmôrtar (high performance mortar) is a fireproof and self-extinguishing material (quîckfôam), with a high level of fire resistance (quîckfîber + quîckmôrtar).

Acoustic isolation

quîckplâck is an excellent impact sound insulator due to the elasticity of the EPS (quîckfôam) and a high performance airborne sound insulator due to the high density of the mortar (quîckmôrtar).

Bending strength

Data obtained in tests carried out at the Polytechnic University of Cartagena (UPCT).


Dimensional stability

quîckplâck imperdeco , is a variant of quîckmôrtar imper, which allows us to choose according to our needs on a palette of certain colours.



quîckplâck is produced with sustainable electrical energy from renewable sources. By its nature there is no negative impact on the environment, it does not contain toxic waste.

Eco - innovador

  • Resistencia a tracción                                                                    ≥ 150 Kpa

  • Reacción al fuego* (Ignífugo y Autoextinguible)                  Euro clase E

  • Resistencia a la compresión al 10% de deformación                 ≥ 100 Kpa

  • Estabilidad dimensional en condiciones especificas de temperatura y humedad                                                               < 0,2%

  • Peso por metro cúbico (densidad kg/m3)                                20

  • Conductividad térmica W/m K                                                     ≤ 0.035

  • Cortes de bloque de grosor                                                       20 mm     30mm      50mm     100mm     150mm     200mm

  • Resistencia térmica ( Rt ) m² K / W                                        0.55          0.85        1.45         2.85          4.30         5.70

  • Transmitancia Térmica (U) W/ m² K              1.80          1.15        0.70         0.35          0.25         0.20

  • Resistencia funcional y estructural al choque de cuerpo duro              Apto

  • Resistencia funcional y estructural al choque de cuerpo blando          Apto

  • Resistencia estructural a la carga vertical excéntrica                            Apto

  • Resistencia a la flexión                                                                            ≥ 150 Kpa

  • Resistencia a carga vertical axial                                                           0.499 N/mm²

  • Permeabilidad al vapor de agua                                                           0.015 mg/(Pa.h.m.)

  • Factor de resistencia a la difusión del vapor de agua                          µ ≥60

  • Absorción de agua a corto plazo (7 días)                                            0.3% - 0.7% En volumen

Resistencia a tracción                                                                                    ≥ 150 Kpa

Reacción al fuego* (Ignífugo y Autoextinguible)                                        Euro clase E

Resistencia a la compresión al 10% de deformación                                  ≥ 100 Kpa

Estabilidad dimensional en condiciones especificas de temperatura y humedad      < 0,2%

Peso por metro cúbico (densidad kg/m3)                                                  20

Conductividad térmica W/m K                                                                    ≤ 0.035

Cortes de bloque de grosor                               20 mm     30mm      50mm     100mm     150mm     200mm

Resistencia térmica ( Rt ) m² K / W                    0.55          0.85        1.45         2.85          4.30         5.70

Transmitancia Térmica (U) W/ m² K                  1.80          1.15        0.70          0.35          0.25         0.20

Resistencia funcional y estructural al choque de cuerpo duro                  Apto

Resistencia funcional y estructural al choque de cuerpo blando              Apto

Resistencia estructural a la carga vertical excéntrica                                Apto

Resistencia a la flexión                                                                                ≥ 150 Kpa

Resistencia a carga vertical axial                                                              0.499 N/mm²

Permeabilidad al vapor de agua                                                              0.015 mg/(Pa.h.m.)

Factor de resistencia a la difusión del vapor de agua                              µ ≥60

Absorción de agua a corto plazo (7 días)                                               0.3% - 0.7% En volumen

Ficha Técnica quîckfôam white
tabla ficha técnica

Functional and structural resistance to hard body impact                    Suitable

Functional and structural resistance to soft body shock                        Suitable

Structural resistance to eccentric vertical loading                                 Suitable

Resistance to flexion                                                                               ≥ 150 Kpa

Resistance to axial vertical load                                                            0.499 N/mm²

Water vapour permeability                                                                   0.015 mg/(Pa.h.m.)

Water vapour diffusion resistance factor                                              µ ≥60

Short-term water absorption (7 days)                                                   0.3% - 0.7% By volume

Tensile strength                                                                                                 ≥ 150 Kpa

Reaction to fire* (flame retardant and self-extinguishing)                             Euro class E

Compressive strength at 10% deformation                                                      ≥ 100 Kpa

Dimensional stability under specific conditions of temperature and humidity                  < 0.2%.

Weight per cubic metre (density kg/m3)                                                       20

Thermal conductivity W/m K                                                                          ≤ 0.035

Block thickness cuts                                         20mm   30mm   50mm   100mm   150mm   200mm

Thermal resistance ( Rt ) m² K / W                  0.55     0.85     1.45        2.85       4.30        5.70

Thermal Transmittance (U) W/ m² K               1.80      1.15    0.70        0.35        0.25         0.20

Technical properties of EPS

DIMENSIONS quîckplâck

quîckplâck building panels are the centrepiece of building materials. They are the starting point for countless fields of application. Their significant advantages range from their versatile use and easy assembly, through their waterproof and heat-insulating properties, to their enormous configuration options.


quickplack características
panel sándwich quickplack
panel sándwich quickplack vs construcción tradicional
panel sándwich quickplack vs construcción tradicional



panel sándwich quickplack vs construcción tradicional
panel sándwich quickplack vs construcción tradicional

Speed of execution


Comparativa quîckplâck con otros sistemas

quickplack características

We must choose the right building system quîckplâck is, in addition to being a magnificent thermal insulator due to its EPS (expanded polystyrene) core, a building system that incorporates from its origin the resolution of the necessary energy efficiency quîckplâck also offers lightness, insulation, cleanliness and economy, among many other advantages.

FICHA TÉCNICA - panel quickplack sate
FICHA TÉCNICA - panel quickplack  sate


The panel is presented in the standard dimensions shown in the summary table, sheets ‘Dimensions quîckplâck’ of this catalogue, although, as manufacturers, we can study other sizes, special pieces and colour finishes.

paneles decorativos quickplack
paneles decorativos quickplack
quickplack printed paneles decorativos

‘Give colour to Life’



quîckplâck Steel is a self-supporting support with high resistance to bending and compression, ideal for covering large spaces in a light, fast, low-cost and high thermal, acoustic, anti-seismic and impact resistance way.

This is a system composed of a base plate of quîckfôam (high density expanded polystyrene), internally reinforced with quîcksteel (embedded galvanised steel sections), and superficially with quîckfîber (high resistance fibre mesh) and a bridge of union and final finish with quîckmôrtar (high performance mortar), the panels, previously processed and cut according to the requirements of each project, can be used for the construction of architectural volumes, by means of walls, interior partitions or exterior enclosures.



The quîckplâck Cover panels, specific for all types of roofs, solve any need in outdoor environments, providing a solution for thermal and acoustic insulation and preventing leaks.

All in a single product. Quick to install, ultra-lightweight and maintenance-free.



quîckplâck lîte is a high-density expanded polystyrene sheet, supplied in various thicknesses and sizes and cut according to project requirements.

It is a self-supporting support with high flexion and compression resistance, ideal for covering large spaces in a light, fast, low-cost and low-cost way, with high thermal, acoustic, anti-seismic and impact resistance.

This is an internally reinforced system using quîcksteel (deep-drawn galvanised steel perfilería), the panels previously prepared and cut according to the requirements of each project, can be used for the execution of architectural volumes, by means of walls, interior divisions or exterior enclosures.



quîckplâck humidity suitable for installation in wet rooms and spaces, in elements such as partition walls, shelves, external bathtub basins, washbasin furniture etc. High thermal, acoustic and impact resistance, it also incorporates 100% waterproofing and resistance to water pressure. This is a system composed of a base plate of quîckfôam (high density expanded polystyrene), a surface layer on both sides of quîckmôrtar (high performance mortar), and a final finish on both sides with a three-layer quîckstôp sheet (sandwich of 0.7 mm thickness composed of a double layer of quîckstôp), 7 mm thick sandwich composed of a double layer of polypropylene and an intermediate layer of polyurethane). The panels, previously manufactured and cut according to the requirements of each project, can be used for the initially defined uses as well as for any other need that requires such characteristics.




quîckplâck basic is the ideal support for covering large spaces in a light, fast, low-cost way and with great thermal, acoustic, anti-seismic and impact resistance. This is a system composed of a base plate of quîckfôam (high density expanded polystyrene) superficially reinforced on both sides by means of quîckfîber (high resistance fibre mesh) and a bridge of union and final termination by means of quîckmôrtar (high performance mortar). The panels, previously manufactured and cut according to the requirements of each project, can be used for the construction of architectural volumes, by means of walls, interior partitions, exterior enclosures or floor slabs.



quîckplâck imper is the ideal support for covering large spaces in a light, fast, low-cost way, with great thermal, acoustic, anti-seismic and impact resistance, also incorporating 100% watertightness.


This is a system composed of a base plate of quîckfôam (high density expanded polystyrene) superficially reinforced on both sides by means of quîckfîber (high resistance fibre mesh) and a bridge of union and final termination by means of quîckmôrtar imper (100% watertight high performance mortar). The panels, previously manufactured and cut according to the requirements of each project, can be used for the construction of architectural volumes, by means of walls, interior partitions, exterior enclosures or floor slabs.



quîckplâck rf is the ideal support for covering large spaces in a light, fast, low-cost way and with great thermal, acoustic, anti-seismic and impact resistance. It also incorporates a final fireproof layer that provides the necessary fire resistance. This is a system composed of a base plate of quîckfôam (high density expanded polystyrene) superficially reinforced on both sides with quîckfîber (high resistance fibre mesh), a joint bridge with quîckmôrtar (high performance mortar) and finally a layer of quîckmôrtar rf mortar (fireproof mortar). The panels, previously processed and cut according to the requirements of each project, can be used for the construction of architectural volumes, by means of walls, interior partitions, exterior enclosures or floor slabs.



quîckplâck imperdeco is a variant of quîckmôrtar imper, which allows us to choose according to our needs on a palette of certain colours.

Types of outdoor installation

quîckplâck as a pre-manufactured panel, adapts to all kinds of needs thanks to its lightness and strength, and is fully compatible with all other construction systems. With its surprising properties, it combines lightness and strength and can be installed on concrete, brick walls, old or mixed substrates and practically any base that needs to be complemented or renovated.

FICHA TÉCNICA quickplack eficiencia energética

2. Installation of Panels with appropriate quartering as required. 

3. Panel made to measure for the project. Including door and window openings, ready to install, no additional on-site cutting required.

4. Horizontal or inclined panels on roofs. Simple and highly energy efficient installation.

1. Installation outside the building structure, in the form of a curtain, a single piece covering several levels.

quîckplâck as a pre-manufactured panel, adapts to all kinds of needs thanks to its lightness and strength, and is fully compatible with all other construction systems. With its surprising properties, it combines lightness and resistance and can be installed on concrete, brick walls, old or mixed substrates and practically any base that needs to be complemented or renovated.

  • Support for dividing spaces.

  • Construction panels on the floor.

  • For surfaces not covered with tiles.

  • Application for tiles on brick base or old substrates.

  • Support for ceramic tiles on metal or wooden structures.

  • Construction of kitchen worktops.

  • Application for stairs.

panel quickplack sándwich prefabricado




Coating of wet areas

panel quickplack sándwich prefabricado


Shâpes & types

The L- and U-shaped elements are used in a wide variety of ways, most of them are used for shelving. The shape of these panels allows for a variety of applications.

panel quickplack sándwich prefabricado


Estantes de baño y revestimiento

quîckplâck offers you a quick and clean way to create the cladding for your bathroom. It is an ideal product since installation with conventional materials is usually slow, cumbersome and difficult. In addition, with the customised panels you can create spaces with a unique design.

To create shelves, simply cut the L-shaped or U-shaped corner element to the desired length. Adhere the cut element to the wall with adhesive. Then screw it using quîcktôols fasteners and apply quîcktôols self-adhesive reinforced tape to the joints between different elements. Alternatively, it is possible, depending on the requirements, to use adhesive without the reinforced tape. This is followed by tiling or plastering. Once the relevant finish has been applied, the shelving is finished and ready for use.

panel quickplack sándwich prefabricado


Muebles de baño

quîckplâck construction panels are much more than just wall and floor coverings. Due to their easy handling, lightness and workability, they can be used as a base for the design and subsequent tiling, if desired, of all types of bathroom furnishings. The construction panels in thicknesses of 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 80 mm are particularly suitable for this purpose. Whether washbasins, seating benches, shelves or storage surfaces. There are no limits to creativity. In addition, the implementation work remains simple and straightforward.

panel quickplack sándwich prefabricado
  • Cut the quîckplâck panel to the desired size for the bathroom furniture.

  • Drill holes and inspection holes as required in the construction panel.

  • Simply join the cut construction panels together with quîcktools. 

  • Glue the elements together with quîcksealîng. 

  • Apply quîcktools reinforcement tape to joints and edges.

  • Install the tiling, if necessary, with quîckmôrtar tile adhesive.

panel quickplack sándwich prefabricado  animación baño


For surfaces not covered with tiles

For areas not covered with tiles, plaster and render can also be used on quîckplâck. The joints between panels, as well as inside and outside corners, must be reinforced.

panel quickplack sándwich prefabricado
panel quickplack sándwich prefabricado
panel quickplack sándwich prefabricado


împer | Construcción de muebles y estantes para baño.

quîckplâck imper is the ideal material for the construction of washbasin tops and shelves covered with ceramic, natural stone or mortar. Thanks to its easy cutting with a cutter, it can be easily cut to size and the corresponding holes can be cut out. With this water-resistant material, it is very easy to create individual surfaces.
The visible edges can be finished in a variety of ways:

panel quickplack sándwich prefabricado
  •  Using the brushed steel U-profiles from the product range and in combination with a suitable end profile.

  • With tile strips or the material of the element in question.

  •  By means of the worktop profile.


With quîckplâck imper panels and thanks to their easy cutting, curved cladding can also be constructed by slotting one side.

panel quickplack sándwich prefabricado
panel quickplack sándwich prefabricado
panel quickplack sándwich prefabricado
panel quickplack sándwich prefabricado

The images shown on this page serve as an example of the main steps for the installation of the panels. The above texts are summary descriptions. Please refer to the corresponding data sheets, where you can find detailed descriptions of the product and its installation process.

panel quickplack sándwich prefabricado baño animación

Covering existing walls and creating new walls

The installation of quîckplâck is possible on a wide variety of surfaces:
- Concrete
- Brick constructions of all types. 
- Old substrates such as plaster, tiles, paints or similar.
- Mixed substrates.

Depending on the irregularities and the state of the pre-existing walls, we have two options:
- If the flatness and surface of the pre-existing element are suitable, the quîckplâck panel is placed directly on the substrate using quîckmôrtar adhesive mortar.
- If the conditions are not suitable, the quîckplâck panel should be placed on the substrate using thin-bed adhesive dots. Once in place, it must be aligned and plumbed. It can be installed both horizontally and vertically. For substrates with poor adhesion, use the screws available in our range of quîcktôols products.

panel quickplack sándwich prefabricado
panel quickplack sándwich prefabricado

Covering existing walls and creating new walls

The images shown on this page serve as an example of the main steps for installing the panels. The above texts are summary descriptions. Consult the corresponding technical sheets, where you can find detailed descriptions of the product and its installation process.

panel quickplack sándwich prefabricado
panel quickplack sándwich prefabricado

Shower trays

The square and rectangular models of shower trays are classic design shapes. Without being boring, with quîckplâck imper, as we have seen so far and thanks to their lightness and manageability, we can choose from a number of variants with complete freedom of design.

In this way, the normal shower becomes an imaginative new experience. This freedom allows us to provide solutions for bathrooms of any size.

panel quickplack sándwich prefabricado
panel quickplack sándwich prefabricado

Construction of kitchen worktops.

Ideal as a backing for ceramic tiles, quîckplâck imper is particularly suitable for the construction of kitchen worktops and other surfaces covered with ceramic or natural stone. The water-resistant material is easy to cut with a cutter, so that the panels can be prepared to size and the corresponding holes can be cut very easily.

panel quickplack sándwich prefabricado
panel quickplack sándwich prefabricado
panel quickplack sándwich prefabricado

Support for ceramic tiles on metal or wooden structures.

The quîckplâck panel is quick and easy to install on metal or wooden structures as an installation substrate for coverings, using the screws available in our quîcktôols product range. The joints between panels must be flush with the structure, otherwise the joints must be glued.
Once the quîckplâck panel has been screwed down, the ceramic tiles can be laid with our quîckmôrtar thin-bed adhesive mortar without any further preparation.

The quîckplâck panel is quick and easy to install on metal or wooden structures as an installation substrate for coverings, using the screws available in our quîcktôols product range. The joints between panels must be flush with the structure, otherwise the joints must be glued.
Once the quîckplâck panel has been screwed down, the ceramic tiles can be laid with our quîckmôrtar thin-bed adhesive mortar without any further preparation.

panel quickplack sándwich prefabricado

On flat supports that allow installation with thin layer adhesives, the use of panels with a thickness of 5 mm or more is possible. For installation with adhesive dots, the panel must be chosen with a suitable thickness of 20 mm or more according to the requirements of the work.


The corners and joints must be waterproofed with our quicksealing band. Pipe and similar passages must also be adequately waterproofed.

panel quickplack sándwich prefabricado


In bathrooms, partition walls are often required to separate showers, toilet cubicles and room dividers. The construction of these walls with bricks or panelled structures is usually very time-consuming and often these surfaces are not suitable for laying ceramic tiles without further preparations.


Support for ceramic tiles on metal or wooden structures.

panel quickplack sándwich prefabricado
panel quickplack sándwich prefabricado

By using quîckplâck panels in a suitable thickness, stable and self-supporting partition walls can be created quickly and easily and can also be used directly as a fixing substrate for ceramic tiles.  If required, the partition walls can be fixed or stabilised with the angles or U-shaped profiles available in the quîcktôols product range.

Joints between panels and joints with the substrate must be glued. A stainless steel U-shaped profile is also available which can be used as an edge trim or as a fixing for hardware. In this way, simple partitions and even complete partitions in showers, washbasins and changing rooms can be realised.

panel quickplack sándwich prefabricado


quîckplâck can be used as thermal insulation and, thanks to the factory-applied coating, also as a vapour barrier in rooms with permanently high humidity.
The quîckplâck building panel is one of the best and most protective load-bearing panels on the market, especially for walls and ceilings.
Of course, it also serves as a load-bearing element for tiles and plaster.


animación panel sándwich
quickplack cte certificado
panel quickplack sándwich prefabricado

A simple solution for an elegant finish to the edges of the worktop is a U-shaped profile made of brushed stainless steel, which forms part of the system.
The lower flange of the profile is closed, while the upper flange can be pierced. The quîcksteel profile from our range of products is suitable for these edgings.

panel quickplack sándwich prefabricado
panel quickplack sándwich prefabricado
panel quickplack sándwich prefabricado


Construction panels on the ground

The quîckplâck building panels are also suitable for installation on floors, both in new buildings and as a complement or supplement to renovation work.
Whether on welded, concrete, wood or an old covering of hydraulic tile or similar, quîckplâck building panels are the perfect support for new finishes or coverings. Panels of various thicknesses from 20mm can be used as required.

Impact resistence

quîckplâck posee una alta resistencia al impacto debido a la elasticidad y armado resistente de sus componentes (quîckfôam + quîckfîber).


•Unalterable to radical changes in temperatures. •Ideal for avoiding cracks in coatings. •Dimensional stability in the face of climatic alterations.

Mechanical fixation

Easy, high tensile and load bearing solutions.
- Rivets - Expanding screws
- Adhesives - Epoxy Resins

Adherence to elements

- Flexible mortar - Lightened scraped mortar
- Acrylic mortar - Sprayed cork
- Paints- Ceramic cladding- Monolayers
- Ceramic, Marble, Fibrocement

Vertical load resistance

• 0.499 N/mm2 = 499 kPa *panel data 100mm

Thermal Insulation

quîckplâck has a very high energy efficiency thanks to its expanded polystyrene core. It enables compliance with international energy saving regulations. It complies with the thermal transmittance limit values of international standards in any climatic zone.        *Thermal resistance (Rt):From 1.19 to 4.74 m2K/W = Rt *Thermal conductivity ( ): 0.042 W/mK (data panel 100mm)


quîckplâck has a high pre-brittlement ductility, which, together with its low dead weight, makes it suitable for use in seismic zones.


quîckplâck is impermeable to water and other fluids. It is also watertight in its quîckplâck imper and quîckplâck stop versions.

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